18.4 优惠券栏位
第 1 步:i18n 多语言
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| static const promoCode = "promo_code"; static const promoDesc = "promo_desc"; static const promoEnterCodeTip = "promo_enter_code_tip";
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| LocaleKeys.promoCode: 'Apply Promo Code', LocaleKeys.promoDesc: 'Promo Code is simply dummy text the printing and typesetting industry', LocaleKeys.promoEnterCodeTip: 'Enter code here',
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| LocaleKeys.promoCode: '使用优惠码', LocaleKeys.promoDesc: '促销代码只是印刷和排版行业的虚拟文本', LocaleKeys.promoEnterCodeTip: '输入代码',
第 2 步:优惠券页面
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| TextEditingController couponController = TextEditingController();
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| @override void onClose() { super.onClose(); couponController.dispose(); }
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| final Function(String) onApplyCouponCode;
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| const ApplyPromoCodePage({ Key? key, required this.onApplyCouponCode, }) : super(key: key);
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| Widget _buildButtons() { return <Widget>[ ButtonWidget.text( LocaleKeys.commonBottomCancel.tr, onTap: () => Get.back(), ),
ButtonWidget.text( LocaleKeys.commonBottomApply.tr, onTap: () { onApplyCouponCode(controller.couponController.text); Get.back(); }, textColor: AppColors.highlight, textWeight: FontWeight.w500, ), ].toRow( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.end, ); }
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| Widget _buildView() { return <Widget>[ TextWidget.title3(LocaleKeys.promoCode.tr) .paddingBottom(AppSpace.listRow),
TextWidget.body2( LocaleKeys.promoDesc.tr, maxLines: 3, softWrap: true, ).paddingBottom(AppSpace.listRow),
InputWidget.textBorder( controller: controller.couponController, hintText: "Enter your coupon code", ).paddingBottom(AppSpace.listRow),
_buildButtons(), ] .toColumn( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min, ) .paddingAll(40) .backgroundColor(AppColors.background); }
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| @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return GetBuilder<ApplyPromoCodeController>( init: ApplyPromoCodeController(), id: "apply_promo_code", builder: (_) { return _buildView(); }, ); }
第 3 步:控制器
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| final List<CouponsModel> lineCoupons = [];
double get discount => lineCoupons.fold<double>(0, (double previousValue, CouponsModel element) { return previousValue + (double.parse(element.amount ?? "0")); });
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| bool _applyCoupon(CouponsModel item) { int index = lineCoupons.indexWhere((element) => element.id == item.id); if (index >= 0) { return false; } lineCoupons.add(item); return true; }
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| void onEnterCouponCode() { ActionBottomSheet.popModal( child: ApplyPromoCodePage( onApplyCouponCode: (couponCode) async { if (couponCode.isEmpty) { Loading.error("Voucher code empty."); return; } CouponsModel? coupon = await CouponApi.couponDetail(couponCode); if (coupon != null) { couponCode = ""; bool isSuccess = _applyCoupon(coupon); if (isSuccess) { Loading.success("Coupon applied."); } else { Loading.error("Coupon is already applied."); } update(["buy_now"]); } else { Loading.error("Coupon code is not valid."); } }, ), safeAreaMinimum: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(50.w, 0, 50.w, 140.w), ); }
第 4 步:视图
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| Widget _buildPrice() { ...
BuildPriceLine( titleString: LocaleKeys.placeOrderPriceVoucherCode.tr, rightWidget: ButtonWidget.text( ... onTap: controller.onEnterCouponCode, ), ),
优惠券: 568935ab
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